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Spirometry Training Videos


technical procedures for spirometry in the occupational setting

Learning Curves – Technical Procedures for Spirometry in the Occupational Setting

NIOSH Video Publication No. 2017-167
Total running time: 1:18:31

Video Modules:

  1. Introduction
    Total run time: 1 min, 40 sec
    Spirometry is not a passive medical test! This introduction to the Learning Curves modules explains why spirometry
    technicians must be trained to achieve valid test results.
  2. Training for Spirometry Testing
    Total run time: 14 min, 34 sec
    A technician training program involves more than just lectures. This module highlights the content of an effective spirometry
    training program and stresses the importance of adequate practicum time.
  3. Spirometry Equipment
    Total run time: 7 min, 34 sec
    How do you know if your spirometer meets specifications? Watch this module before you purchase a new spirometer
    and to ensure your spirometry equipment meets current recommendations.
  4.  Verification of Spirometry System Accuracy
    Total run time: 9 min, 8 sec
    Once your equipment meets specifications, how do you confirm that the system is performing consistently? This module
    discusses how spirometer accuracy must be verified by calibration checks.
  5. Spirometry Testing
    Total run time: 18 min, 22 sec
    This very important module reviews spirometry testing technique, and includes tips for preparing the test area, asking
    pre-screening questions, preparing the subject, demonstrating the maneuver, coaching, and how to recognize acceptable
  6. Valid Spirometry Tests: Acceptable & Repeatable Maneuvers
    Total run time: 15 min, 57 sec
    What types of errors can occur during spirometry testing? This module contains critical information about error recognition
    and correction. A must-watch for new technicians and important for periodic review by experienced testers.
  7. Reporting Spirometry Test Results
    Total run time: 10 min, 59 sec
    Two types of reports should be available. What values and information are important to include in each? How large
    should the graphs be printed? What is normal spirometry? This module provides the answers.